Italian boys!
They've got the looks
They've got the smarts
Italian boys~
Hi guys! (?) - none response- D:! ... anyways lol.
8D! I'm happy.
Aashash Today i was sitting in my queen's chair (?) at the newstand when suddenly *-* a beautiful guy appears *¬*! sdfjksjdfvk when i looked at him, i was wondering where he came from, -because he has blue eyes and white skin- so, when he spoke, when i heard his voice i was thinking in Gokureda's face LOL.
I mean the guy was italian and his spanish was weird (?) xD but also adorable xD.
He was searching for my grandma xD because he wanted some help, so i told him that i could help him 8D.
The thing was, that he need to added credit to his cellphone and also he wanted some change because he only had big bills - the one's that have Porfirio's Díaz face- so, when i finished to do all the tramits he was smiling *-* but his smile was so beautiful *-* so, that make my day.
The school was boring (?) ok no xD it was cool but tomorrow i'll have to talk with my profesor about something.
To be honest - and i won't say names lol- when my last course started and i saw my new teachers ( yeaaa, i have two lol) they didn't like me xD i don't know why, i guess i just critize they before i knew them.
The thing is that today xD they told me that they used to had the same impression to me, like the one that i used to had off them LOL.
It was nice that we came 'ill this grade of confidence, it really make me happy.
and that's it lol.
I can't wait for tomorrow 'cuz maybe i'll see my girls.
2 comentarios:
wiii!! primera!!!jejej OOOHH baby!! te envidio *3* viste y conversaste con un italian boy!!! kyaaa!! ke sexy eso, yo, weno, siempre me han gustado los asiaticos, pero en segundo lugar de los chikos guapos ke me gustan estan los italianos!!! se me hacen tan sexys, su acento y su porte, en tercer lugar los fracenses y mi jhony!! 8D Ese no caera de lugar nunca XDDDD
OOhh te cambiaron los profes, jeje pus te iras acostumbrando, yo se ke sip jeje sos mi diosa del ingles *-* espero ir a visitarte pronto, por ke tendre dias libres jojojo I love uuu, asi muxo muxo muxo, You know <3 tem ando kissus gigantosos, algo cansaditos porke tengo sueñito!!
Se despide tu aby-mihashi ke te ama con pasion y locura!! XD
PD: luego te telefoneo 8D
*O* you saw a italian guy!!!
and i saw you today!! 8DDDD
jus for a minutes but it was great(?) LOL ok nu
dfvsdfvhdsfhdfhdgfdh extrañaba ver tu cabello rubio XD aunk al final ni vimos a pili pss
creo k te estare viendo un rato mas pork debo 30 horas de servicio LOL so, wait for me baby *yideemode on* 8D
ti amo ~~
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