

We are the hottes!~
Ok ok, i know that this one is an old picture but until now, my uncle didn't give me the newest ones!.
Well i've been seeing aby everyday since the last thursday, i guess LOL.
I don't know exactly since when but she started to work with my grandma 8D, four guys more and we, we 've been selling newspaper everyday! xD.
Its cool 8D and the owner of the excelsior pay us 100 pesos everyday 8D just to be there trying to sell (?) his newspaper but, to be honest we NEVER sell it *dies*.
It is not our fault D:, it is the reforma's fault!.
The Reforma newspaper it the most important newspaper of mexico so, when people from Mexico came here they usually ask for it.
Today we had a lot of work! i mean they had given us 200 newspapers! D: so it was hard tried to sold it.
The most random thing of today it was a porn dance from the Simi's dolls!.
We were eating and so suddenly two dolls of simi started to dance and be more closer to each other, shaking their waist and xD My gosh! it was so porn xDDD i never forget that xD, it's like aby said: " And i was thinking that i was seeing everything".
I used to said that simi was a pedophile D: because he always try to hug childrens D:! and now that both have given me the reason xD if simi is gay he can be pedophile too xD.
And thats it! D:! i feel tired so i guess i going to go to the bed now! xD
lov u guys!

1 comentario:

abysakura dijo...

AJAJAJAJA SIMI GHEIIII!!! *W* Y PEDOFILOOO!! XDDDDDDDDDD ME MATAS!! Pero es ke es la cosa mas chitosa ke eh vistooo!!! aunke eh de aceptar ke bailaban muy bien 8D

JEJEJE SEEE!!! mi primer trabajo formal!! aun no me la creo!!! *0* de verdad me siento genial...weno, kemada >_< pero bien, cuando me preguntaste ke como se sentia ganar tu propio dinero, en verdad ke es genial *0*

AJAJAJA Pobre excelsior solo eh logrado vender uno >_< pero es ke no lo kieren, pobre ;_; aunke es el ke nos paga XDDDD REFORMA ES LA CAÑA!! *3*

Well, ya me despidoo, la foto jejeje *w* nus vemos mañana, te loviuuu asi muxo, lo sabes jeje

PD: Espero ver mas gheisisidades de los simis 8D