8D hello~ i writing here because MY Yidee is making more entries that me (?) and i can't permit that!(?) ok no xD.
Well today i had a morning off and i got up late LOL. I guess everybody came back to the school D: i don't know lol.
Anyways, Fryne went away last thursday oxo! and she got sick when she arrived to her home xD.
I've been very busy lately and so tired too, but i'm okay 'cuz i'm strong 8D ~. These days i've been thinking to much about my family and my bussiness, i know that my grandma is old and now that my uncle is on vacations it looks like she wants to sink and leave everything, of course i won't allow that; because I always said that the newstand is the result of many years of work, it is like a son (?) when they started to work everything was like "wtf" but while the time was passing they were building something that now, feed us.
It not easy to do that, because not everybody are successful when they are trying to started a bussiness,but my family, my parents, my uncle, they have the desisicion and the most important thing, they wanted to work.
I'm learning to much now that i working alone, because i started to do something that i didn't do before and i like it.
"No one is indispensable"- that something that my grandme told all the time, i guess she did it because maybe she thinks that i going to leave her alone, but i couldn't, because i love her and more that never i feel very closer to her.When i was a baby she used to took care of me, and now it's my turn 8D.
I got more involved in the newstand because i want to be a very good right hand of the tenth 8D ok no xD of my mommy xD because i want to her to feel safe with me *-*.
That's why at least until my uncle came back i don't think i can going out with girls D: (-i'll try but i'm not promise anything, anyways D: if i thinkg seriously about it i don't think that you girls have time now you came back to the school lol-) especially you aby, please D: don't go to newstand without saying nothing because if you do that i'll get mad. Use the telephone and please, please TRY to understand me, i don't need and i don't want to my life became a mess just because you don't want to wait.
I'm not mad it's just that D: i need to give priority to certain things.
This is important to me, that why i decied to write it here and because i have time lol .
OMG! it's almost noon and i still here i'd better go LOL ~
Lov u guys!
2 comentarios:
soy primera!! *0* waaa new cambio!! me gusta la caratula de bolitas so sexy jeje waaa! has estado pensando en muxias cosas, oh my baby, eso es bueno, y obvio tu ma sabe ke nunca la dejarias varada tenlo por seguro, espero trabajes duro como se ke lo haces, por ke yo soy tu fan en muxios aspectos, me gusta la manera en como haces las cosas, y esa aura de chika de negocios sepxy <3
Con respecto a lo otro, perdoname, me siento un pokito mal, tu sabes ke yo nunca iria sin pedirte permiso, lo ke menos kiero es eso, incomodarte cuando se ke tienes cosas ke hacer, yo siempre te digo cosis de ese estilo por ke estoy muy acostumbrada a hacerlo, lo sabes, me gusta decirte: te stalkeare, aunke se ke es solo en mi imaginacion, por ke se ke estas ocupada, perdona por eso, weno me retiro baby, sabes ke te amooo muxio, y ten por seguro ke esperare, jeje sabes ke siempre toy pa ti <3 kissus for uu, y ficghting!! my love <3 tu puedes x3
PD: waa mi hija enfermo, espero se recupere pronto <3 ti amo hija mia *0*
and now is ma fault!!??=
dont lie!
LOL i love u ~~
sghdgdhj your blog is so ghei now
8D i like it <3
sdgfhsgfhd ok, no ire al puesto sin avisarte(?) LOOOOOOOOL
tee amo
hoy te vi!
fue rapido xD PERO te vi, y te veré mañana too cuz we´re sexees *no pregunttes, se que no tiene nda que ver xD*
me voy ~~
porque tienes razon , hago mas entradas que tu xD ok no, no era eso, tengo montañas de tarea ;O;
cuidate pss <3
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