*looking above*
juju because u deserve a nice wizard in your celebration
OMG Todas i s your birthday. Iwas suffering a lot today because of that u knoe? @_@!.
Firts i asked to my mom to buy a RED birthday card D:! and she bought a PINK one, APINK ONE OF dIsneyyyyyyy xD * dies*.
Then i was in a hurry 'cuz yesterday i went to sleep early and i didn't finish my love letter (?) to you (?) and then in the morning i forgot it in the house so i asked my uncle if he could gave me a ride to go back to the house and pick it up LOL.
And THEN you showed up so EARLY xD my ghos! i almost die today, which wouldn't be so nice because my cabo de año (?) will be the same day as ur birthday, so forget it XD.
I don't have anything else to say , because you might have read it now so, baby happy birthday! - fucking keyboard! it doesn't work properly Dx-
hey! this isn't all!
Here is it my last gif to you~
ESO's son's!. he's not like his father, he's nice and gay so enjoy it (?????)

1 comentario:
I really hate his father XD
ok ya
dkjfhgakjsdfhj ;A; you bad person who makes me feel ghei =w= XDD the birthday card was asdkfjaskdfhakl(?) *dies* pink.. just pink.. like us(?) LOL ok no, anyway, thanks baby, you almost make me cry so you must be happy(?) so now.. give chanKhun or GTOP and make me more happy 8D *dies*
duh is a long day ~
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