Yeah, Yeah, x D it's been a long time but i swear that it wasn't my fault (?).
Anyways xD i won't say anything about that because it's always the same excuse LOL.
I've been having lot of fun lately so i guess, this month has been one of the hapiest one.
I saw my girls, i drank coffee ( even if can not allowed to do it lol), we've taken pictures and videos so xD yeah, like i said it has been a good month.
I went to the dentist some days ago and he had given me bad news. I mean i always knew that a dental treatment was a expensive but, i never though that i had many problems.
The main fact was that when we went out of there i felt sad, not because i have my mouth like a big mess... i don't how to explain it, i felt sad because i was thinking that i didn't deserve that my granma spend that amount on me.
So i felt like a emo person and i called aby almost crying xD and i don't know why but at the end i couldn't told her anything because her voice sounded so happy and i couldn't be selfish and make her felt sad.
That night i was thinking about my feelings and i realize that since i quit the college i always being afraid to made a mistake. I know that nobody is perfect but when you do something like that even the most stupid thing make you worried.
I'm not stupid 'cuz i know that my grandma was completly shocked and mad with me when i told her that i don't want to be in that school, also i know and i feel like if i was deception her (?) i don't know how to say it, but still now it's been difficult to me and i know and i sure that it's going to have to pass to much time to stop that guilty feeling that is always follow me.
;A; dah! now i don't want to go to the newstand but i have to, because i can't take that kind of luxuries like my uncle used to said lol.
Love u guys 8D
Oh Tell me goodbye~ Tell me goodbye~
P.- I don't know if i got the meaning of the video wrong but i guess i died there (?) LOL
2 comentarios:
oh my!
muchas cosas... blee no tengo derecho a decirte so,, .. *hugs*
i love you
video video... yeh,yo tambien crei eso, por eso lo volvere a ver xD aunk creo k al final quien murio fue la chava(?)
*O* Taxco... tengo 300 pesos *dies* si voy a taxco creo k no ire a lo de pili, aunk cuando le ocmente a mis papás .. no se veian convencidos <.< so, hablemos
extrañame(?) xD}
Sola, sin dinero, con hambre y encerrada en mi casa...y tu lo sabes ;_; morire, ok no
Wooo!! han pasado muxas cosas, algunas felices y unas no tanto, me puso muy feliz el hecho de ke nos hayamos visto todas in the coffe!! si ke nos divertimos *_______* ojala se repita!! <3 yo se ke sip!!
Lo de tu denatdura. no sabia ke te sentias tan mal my love, al principio tu vos si ke sonaba rara, y tu lo sabes baby, nunca te eh sentido egoista conmigo, puedes decirme lo ke kieras, well, es logico ke uno se ponga emo con noticias asi, no es como ke vivimos en el mundo rosa de dumbo (OMG ke tiene ke ver dumbo aki XD)Pero esta bien, yo se ke las dos se aman con pasion y locura, como you & me jeje las cosas funcionan muy bien y seguiran estando asi entre tu abue y tu tienen ese lazito consigo mismas,ya te lo habia dicho, siempre ke la veo, te veo a ti n_n weno my love, mejor aki le corto, ya ke todo se resumiria en ke tienes siempre mi apoyo, mi confianza, mi oido y mi cuerpo 8D ajaja para ti *w*
Se despide tu Mihashi ke te amaaa!! you know!!
PD: TELL ME GOOD BAY1! KYAA!! me traumaa!! *_________* I love it!!
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